
A Trifling Matter: Book Review 2-7

A Trifling Matter: Book Review 2-7

I think her book review is very good!! Because, she wrote the book details, and I can understand easily☆ And I like Julia Roberts. I want to read this book!!
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I read this book, because I watched this movie. I enjoyed it!! Jumanji is board game. If you throw the dice, the result will realize. Peter, Judy and Alan have to finish the game. The story is adventure fantasy. I was very excited!!
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PRINCE William

PRINCE William

I read this book, because I like him. He is a good guy. His mother is Princess Diana. She is very popular in England. He will be the King of England. So, I was interested in this book. And I could know his history.
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Mr Bean


I read this book, because I like Mr Bean. When I watched the drama, I laughed.
Mr Bean almost don't speak. But, his face and movement is very funny!! So, there are some pictures in this book. I enjoyed this book.
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Card games

Card game
After school, I went to McDonald in Shimizu bypass with Mihoko, Motochika and Yuuki. And we played the card games for 4 hours in McDonald. We played the old maid, 753, 193, Daifugou, concentration and so on. I sometimes lost games. I paid Sippe. IOt’s funny!! We enjoyed card games very much☆
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American Life

American Life

I read this book, because I was interested in American Life. This book wrote about high school life, a drive through life, sports, and movie and so on. This book has a lot of pictures. For example, the American maps, the Titanic picture, comic and so on. It is very easy to understand. And my American images near this book.
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Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt
I read this book, because I like Brad Pitt. He is cool and his acting is very good. I watched almost his movies. I like “Seven.” The movie is an expected in last. The scene is very scared. He is very cool. And it is good to know his story for his fun. So after read this book, I like him more.

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre

I read this book, because I learned the story when I was 2nd grade. The story is much checkered. The main character is Jane Eyre. She was orphan, so she lived in aunt house. But the aunt and the family treated her. And she is sent away to home for orphanage. And she was tutor in Mr. Rochester’s house. And Mr. Rochester fell in love with Jane. And Jane love, too. But then, she had trouble.
I think Jane is a very strong woman. She always sticks to her principles. So, Mr. Rochester likes her character.
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Community life

Community life


My club is Sanpo Douhoukai. The purpose is making friends and walking three times in a year. There are a lot of student in the club. The club is the largest in the culture circle. About 100 people are registered in there.

I was member of Sanpo Douhoukai since second year of college. The cause to join was my friend was member in it. She enjoyed the club, so I wanted to join the member.

I could to make a lot of memories in the club. For example, in Takuma festival, we made a TAKOYAKI. It was very good!! When the TAKOYAKI sold out, I was very happy!! And we made a Mikoshi for parade. We made a peacock’s Mikoshi. It was very hard. We received the prize. And we also made a display for Takuma festival. We made a walking road. We prepared for display since 2 month ago. So we went to school in summer vacation. It was very hot. That’s the hardest things for me.
And I cried memory was senior retired. I like senior, and I yearned them. So I was very sad. And I worried about club after senior retire. But after it, we must have consciousness of senior. And I am keeping in touch senior.

And I walked in Kinpouzan in the year before last winter. It was very very cold day, maybe we had snow the day. I think that we were frozen to the marrow. But, when I started the walk, I felt hotter. We started in the evening, we arrived the top of the mountain in12am. Then, we had hot Miso Soup. That was very delicious!! And we started to descend 2am and we arrived foot of the mountain in 6am. It was so tired.

And I did various activities in the club. Travel in Okinawa, fishing in a port, drink, drive, play tag, sport festival, went to park and so on. It was valuable experience in Sanpo. That’s interesting!!

I think It is right to join the club. Through the club, I could to meet nice people and make a lot of friends. That is my precious memories.

Part time jobs

I am working in 31 ice cream. The reason is I love the ice cream. So I wanted to be working in there.

I am working since a year ago. Ice cream is very cold and hard. When I begin to work, I worried about inflammation of tendon and its sheath. But, now, I can scoop the ice cream. And I can make the circle very well.

When you buy ice creams, you have to choose the flavor, sizes, case and so on. There are 32 ice cream flavors. The sizes are kids, regular, king and single and double. And the cases are corn, cup and waffle corn. We have to remember the order combination. First, I couldn’t remember it. And I always mistook, but now, I can remember the order. So, I learn to memory perfect.
I enjoy working in 31. The staffs are very kind and sincere. They are student of college, so we go together. We always work in cooperation each other.

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To kill a mocking bird

Today, I have to watch “to kill a mocking bird.” Because, I have to write a report about this movie. The movie is very old, the story is racial discrimination. I was tired, so I was sleepy. But I serious watched the movie. I have to write the report!!


I go to school my car everyday. My car is MOVE. The color is white. The mileage is 20.000km. And I love the car. So, I cherish it. I always washed it, when I’m free. And I have never scratched. I will ride the car in the future. So, it is my treasure.[53]

required label

This is my label.


Broiled meat

Today, I went to school. After school, I want to have a broiled meat. So, I went to the restaurant with my friend. The restaurant is my friend’s house. So, we can eat as much as we like. Then, we have heartily for 3 hours. The taste is very good☆ We were full and we were satisfied. We expressed my gratitude to him.


A part time job's place

Today, we went to my friend's part time job's place. First, we went to McDonald's in Hikari no mori. Mitsuna and Misato worked there. We met them, but they were very busy. So, we couldn't talk very much. Then, we went to Yume Town Hamasen. We went to "Right On". Tatsuro beganed to work there. I talk to him, but he also walking, so I couldn't talk him. And we visited to "Washoku Tei". Shouta worked there. When I went to there, he was resting. So, we talked a few minutes. Because, I have to go to my part time jobs!! I hurried to go!! But I was happy to meet them☆ [113]


Yume no suke

Today, I had a part time jobs for 5 hours. After working, I went to drink in Yumenosuke in Koushi. I don't like drink so much, because I cannot to drink alchool very much, and I feeling bad from drinking immediately. So, I didn't drink so much, but I had dinner. I like Ishiyaki Omrice. It is very good!! I enjoyed talking very much☆ [65]


Seminar drink

Today's night, I went to YoshidaYoshio seminar drink party in Happy Fish. 11 people came. And we could drink (have dinner) as much as we want. So, we could to order a lot of drinks and foods. And we talked kinds of things for a long time. For example, jobs, friends, love, seminar and so on. I enjoyed very much!!☆ [60]

Web site

I think web site is very dangerous. Because, there are many pit, such as fraud and so on. And sometimes, It occur some crimes in web site.[27]


Job hunting

Today, I went to placement office. I was looking for my job. And I want to take the job examination, I wrote my Personal history with my friends. When I think to guve up, they cheered for me. So, I completed my personal history. I was happy!! Thanks for their support!![51]


Sound Park

After school, I went to Karaoke that Sound park with my department friends. Sound park is very cheap. The daylight free time fee is 250yen for student. And the night free time fee is 500 yen. Unbelievable!! So, we started at 8pm, we ended at 2am. So let's go student!! [51]



Today, I had a part time jobs. After working, I went to dinner with my friend. We didn't decide where to eat dinner, so we talked about it. And I didn't go to Yoshinoya, I went to there first time. There were many men, they ate dinner quickly. So, I had the GyuuDon Quickly, It iwas delicious and chiep. I was happy☆[63]


Toy Story

Toy Story

Toy Story is Disney picture in 1995. The story is toy’s world. The toy is living in the story. And the main point is “friendship”. The director is John Lasseter. He received an Academy Special Achievement Award in 1996. The movie sales total of $354,300,000 in the world. The movie is very popular, so Toy Story 2 released in 1999.

The main character is a “Woody”. He is cowboy toy; he is Andy’s favorite toy. His character is clown, but he has a tender heart. And, “Buzz Lightyear” is a very popular as a Space Ranger toy. He is a hero. He has the sense of justice, and he also kind man. Woody has deep jealousy for his high tech, And Andy likes Buzz. And “Andy” is owner of the Woody and Buzz and so on. He likes Woody since Childhood, but When Buzz came, he likes Buzz, too. And “Sid” is next door to Andy’s house. He is a very bad boy, his hobby is bullying toys. Woody and Buzz are scared him. “Scud” is Sid’s dog. And he is very ferocious dog. And he is silly. He disturbed that they escaped from Sid’s house.

And the main point is “friendship”. First, Woody didn’t like Buzz, because Andy likes him. But When Buzz was confined to Sid’s house with Andy’s miss; Andy went to help him in the house. And they didn’t like each other, but then they helped each other gradually. After they escaped from Sid’s house, they made a friendship.

 Before I watched the movie, I think it is very childish movie. I didn’t have interest it. But, after I watched it, I think Adult enjoy to watch the movie, too. Especially, I excited to escape from Sid’s house. The movie has a friendship, laugh, excite and Adventure story.



We woke up at 9 am. And we ate the hotel's breakfast. It was smorgasbord. It was delicious. And we went to shopping in Tenjin. And I went to Tenjin Core. I like shopping, so I was very happy☆ And I bought one-piece. So, I had no money. And we stayed cafe. we talked a long time. And we went back to Kumamoto. I enjoyed in Fukuoka!! [68]


Sea hork

Today, I went to Fukuoka with my friend by my car. My friend stayed at the Sea Hork hotel in Fukuoka. We met him, and our plan was staying in the hotel. We left Kumamoto 6 pm, and we arrived at Tenzin 10 pm. We were very tired. And we went to bar, it is my friend working place. I met my friend, I was so happy!!☆ And after we drunk, we drop in ramen stand. It is my first experience. We ate Tonkotu ramen. It was delicious!! And we went to sea hork hotel. The hotel is very big!! and we fell sound asleep. It was very deep day. [111]


Toy Story's DVD

Tonight, I had a homework, I have to watch the "Toy Story". I have seen it, but I forgot about the story. So, I went to TSUTAYA. And I rented the DVD. Then I watched the movie, so, I enjoyed very much!! I like Woody and Buzz, they are funny!! I excited it☆[54]


I think Japanese culture is very difficult for foreign people. For example, WABISABI. I don’t understand well, so I can’t explain it. I like Japanese culture. Japanese people are very polite. They are modest. I like Japanese.[37]

Fall Semester Essays

Fall Semester Essays

[+ links]


Group Essay



My favorite places



Toy Story


Community life


Community life


5th essay


6th essay


Totals ---


¶: number of paragraphs three or more sentences in length
W: number of words
C: number of comments
L: number of links
P: number of photos or other graphics
M: number of other media included

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Kentucky Fried Chiken

Today, I went to seminar. After school, I went to Kentucky Fried Chiken with Misato Yuko Itsuka Mihoko and Jyo. I ate Dragon Twister. I think it likes Chinese food. I like it!! We went to there once a week, we enjoy talking every week!! It is very confortable place☆ [51]



Today, I went to my friend house. And we were hungry, so We went to eat Bagel in Aso. My friend's house is in Ozu. So, we arrived in 30 minutes. I ate a bakon cheese sand. It was so healthy. My friend ate the TERIYAKI.It was very good. And We enjoyed very much. [54]



Today, I had a part time jobs. After work, I saw GOKUSEN. GOKUSEN is a Serial drama. The story is youth drama in high school. The starring are Kazuya Kamenashi and Jin Akanishi. They are KAT-TUN. I like them. So, I enjoyed the drama very much. After watched, I like them more. [52]