
31 day

Today is 31 day. Small and regular double are 31% off in 31!! And Today is Halloween, so we were very busy. I had a part time jobs 7 hours. There were a lot of customer, but we were only 2 clerk. The shift was unbelievable. Customer made a long line, we ware hurry!! I was so tired, but I did a valuable experience. [64 words]


100 KARA

Today, I have no part time jobs, so I went to 100 KARA with my friend. 100 KARA was 100yen for one hour before. But recentry, one hour is no 100 yen. We were angry!! But we sang for 4 hours. My song is not good, but my frriend is very good But I canceled the stress in Karaoke. So, we enjoyed very much!! [65 words]


Heidi lives with grandfather in little lodge, high up in the Swiss Alps. One day, Heidi lives in Clara's home in Frankfurt. Heidi and Clara is best friend. But Heidi wants to go back to Alps. Clara can't walk, but she wants to walk her legs. So, she practices walking. Heidi goes back to Alps. And Clara go to see Heidi in there. And Clara can walk her legs.

I like Heidi. I watched the animation. She is a very innocent girl. People like her. I want to go in the Swiss Alps. It is a very good story

[103 words]


In Yabe

Today I had a part time jobs. After work, I drove to Yabe with my friends. We didn't have purpose, so we explored it. Yabe is so far. I was very sleepy. And we discovered a park. It is very quiet, I was scared. But there is fountain of springing water. I felt the nature. And I enjoyed there. I want to explore again. [64 words]



Today, I was free, so I went to Kamado with my friend. Kamado is Bar and dinning. It is all-you-can-eat and drink. The price is 2500yen after 9 pm. So, We waited the time, And we were very hungry. Then we had a lot of food. I like CYAWAN MUSHI. I ate 3 times. And Ilike Sushi. Iwas very happy. So, We were full. I want to go there. [69 words]

My favorite places

My favorite places

My favorite place is McDonalds in Hikarinomori. Because my best friends who Misato and Mitsuna work there. So, I sometimes go to see them. They work hard  in there, McDonald’s is always busy.
And I like hamburgers. It is very cheap. Especially, I like “Teritama burger” and “Ebi fireo”. Ebi fireo and Fireo fish’s bred is very soft. That’s season sales. McDonald’s is best place to rest and talk a long time. There are a lot of young people. We always have a good time in there.

31 ice cream
31 ice cream is my job’s place. I work fourth a week. When my friends sometimes go to see me, I’m very happy. And I love the ice cream. Especially, my best flavor is “pumpkin pudding” and “Rock’n ball chocolate”. 31 is holding “Halloween campaign”. We wear pumpkin’s hat. If you’ve won the lottery, you get a ball-point pen, mag cup and blanket. It’s very cute!! And I like colleague in 31. They are very kind and funny. There are a lot of student of KGU. So I enjoy to work there.

I love Kumamoto Gakuen University. I made a lot of nice friends and teacher in the college. When I go to school, I meet a lot of nice funny friends. I’m happy to meet them. And I often stay bakery. I talk a long time with my friends in there. I like the hum cheese. It’s a delicious and cheep. We always enjoy staying school!! I don’t want to graduate.

I like my house. I live in Mifune. It’s too far from the school and city, it is very country, but there are clean air and water. In my house, I always watch TV and DVD. I like them. In my room, I relax very much. My bed is best place to sleep.


Center Ball 3

Today, I was free, so I went to Center Ball again with my friends. We play the 5 games. We bet 100yen in 1 game. And I lost 2 games, but my high score is 134!! I was very happy☆ So, I enjoyed very much. [46 words]


Center Ball 2

Today, I had a part time jobs until 11pm. Then, My friend was invited to the balling in Center ball. I was so tired, but I'm tough. So, I went to there. And I play 3 games, My average score is 90 point. I want to play well. [48]


I like friends. I have friends in College.

I like talk, shopping, go to Karaoke with friends. We enjoy very much. They help me sometimes. I really appreciate them. I will make more precious memories.[35]
Proto-Portfolio 2-01: Reviews, Posts and Words
Book reviews

Blog posts





Personal computer

Today, I went to school. After school, I had some homework, so I used the personal computer in e-campus center with my friend. we stayed for 3 hours, I was so tired. I think it os very convenient to use the computer in e-campus center. [45]



Today I went to see fireworks In Yatsushiro. The fireworks were very famous. The started 6 pm. We left 4 pm, but we were caught in a traffic jam. we arrived at 7 pm. But we saw the fireworks. It was very wonderful. It was very good day. [48]


In Los Angeles, Len Samuel is a private detective. One day, Carman kidnaped. Her father is a rich and bad man. Len helped Carmen, but Cerman turned out be a perpetrator. She needs $100000, because she working at poor children school. The money was for the school. And she disclosed her father's crimal. And her father was arrested by police.

I think Cerman is a kind woman. But she disclosed her father's crimal. That's poor.



Today, I had a part time for 5 hours. After then, I went to Comic Baster in Ozu with my friends. We played billiards for 2 hours. I played the billiyards 2nd times. I didn't know the rule. So It's very difficult for me. But, I enjoyed very much. [49]


Center Ball

Today, I had a part time jobs for 5 hours. After then, I went to play boring in Center Ball with my feriends. We made 3 pairs, and we paly 4 games. My average score is 60. But today's my best score is 90, I was very happy☆ And I enjoyed to play boring. [55]



I like to eat. So, Autumn is very good for me. I like chestnut. For example, monburan and chestnut rice.[20]



Jack gets the new job, so his colleagues gave a new mobile phone as a present in his leaving party. After then, He took a taxi, but his taxi was hijacked. But Jack had a mobile phone, so e called the police secretly. Then, Police arrested the criminal. So deserves all the credit.

I think the criminal is very fool. Everyone have a mobile phone recently. But Jack is lucky parson. He is nice!!



After school, I went to CLAIR with Misato and Mitsuna. They live in Koushi, so it's too far. We did the shopping. I bought a new diary. I was happy. And we was tired, so we took a rest in 31 ice cream. I ate a Caramel Ribon's creap. I'ts very sweet!! We had a good time in CLAIR. [59]



After school, I went to shopping with Misato and Mitsuna. They are best friends☆ We went to new PARCO, TSURUYA, OZOC and street. I wanted a bag and boots. But I bought to a coat. I regret a little. And we ate the pasta. I ate a Karubonara. It's very delicious. [52]


Hakata Ichibann Dori

Today, I had a part time jobs for 5 hours. At night, I went to drink in Hakata Ichiban Dori with my friend. My friend drank too much. But I didn't drank and I ate too much!! I was very full, so I was happy. We talked long time. We enjoyed Hakata Ichibann Dori. [54]



Today was very cold. In the evening, I went to Karaoke with Kumiko and Natsuko. We are same culb. I haven't seen them for a long time, so I was very happy!! So, we went to take the PURIKURA in game ceneter.
Then, We went to Vip in Kokai. Then, We sang and danced to many songs! We stayed there for 4 hours. We enjoyed it!! [66]



Today is very cold. I felt that coming of autumn. And I went to play boring in Center Ball with my friends. It is very cheap. One game price is 100yen. Center Ball is in Traffic Center in Kumamoto city. And we played 2 pairs. My pair lost 3 games, because my score is 30. So, I'm sorry for my partner. But, we enjoyed the boring game. I want to play good at boring game. [75]


Internet Cafe

Today, I went to school. And I worked 7 hours. I was very tired. Then, I went to Internet cafe with my friends. I watched to magazine, "cancam" and "JJ". I studyed this autumn trend. We stayed for 3 hours. I enjoyed there. [43]

School festival

Last year, I enjoyed Takuma festival. I belonged to Sanpo Douhoukai. We made to Takoyaki. I could to make very good Takoyaki. It is very delicious!![26]


In Hikari no mori

Today, I didn't have a part time job. So I was free. And I went to McDonald's in Hikari No Mori. Misato and Mitsuna work there. I and friend want to meet them. They worked hard!! I was happy to meet☆ Then, we went to BEST DENKI. It was new open, so I want to go there. Then we went to KARAOKE for 2 hours. It's very good day☆ [71]


Today, I went to school. I had a Writing class. I woke up early morning, so I was very sleepy, but I don't have to late. The class is very difficult, because it's hard to use the computer for me. But I think blog is interesting!! It's my first experience. Home work and blog is hard, but I enjoy them, so I do my best. I should to develop the habit of getting up early. [75]

Yoshida Yoshio Seminar

Today, I went to school afternoon. I had a class of seminar. I am in Professor Yoshida's English literature seminar. He is very fun and kind. So we like him. Today's class, Misato and Itsuka gave a presentation. Misato resurched about "Jane Eyre", and Itsuka resurched about "Wuthering Heights". Their presentation was very good. [54]

Mos Burger 2

Today, I went to school afternoon. It was very hot. After school, I went to Mos burger with my best friends who Misato and Mitsuna. We talked about school, friends, love and jobs for 4 hours. So, I ate a Mos burger, a SAUZAN vegetables burger, a French fries. So I was full up, but it's very delicious.Then, our friends came to it. They are student of Kumamoto Gakuen University. They belong English class. We had a good time. [79]


Today was a hot day. I had a part time job for 5 hours. Saturday is holiday, so a lot of customers came 31. I worked hard. I was so tired. After working, I went to drink in HAKATA ICHIBAN DORI with my friend. It's a bar. And we drunk until closing hours. I drunk only a glass of cassis orange, but I was tipsy. I enjoyed very much. [69]


school festival

Last year, I enjoyed school festival. I’m member of “SANPO DOUHOUKAI.” We made TAKOYAKI. It’s very delicious. We helped each other, so our TAKOYAKI shop was successful. And I watched fire work. It’s very beautiful. It was my precious memories.[40]